New Funding Initiative Aims to Boost Wages for Early Educators — And Help Fix a Broken System

New Funding Initiative Aims to Boost Wages for Early Educators — And Help Fix a Broken System

Against the backdrop of a national child care crisis, the Early Educator Investment Collaborative just launched an effort to boost worker pay by building on progress made during the pandemic.

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Eight Questions with Hyphen on Philanthropy’s $4 Trillion Opportunity

Eight Questions with Hyphen on Philanthropy’s $4 Trillion Opportunity

A nonprofit intermediary, Hyphen works to bridge the gap between philanthropy and government, aiming to make an ongoing torrent of federal spending more equitable. We connected with senior staff to learn more.

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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Funders Partner with the Biden Administration to Back Workers' Rights Around the Globe

Funders Partner with the Biden Administration to Back Workers' Rights Around the Globe

With support from major U.S. funders, a new initiative called M-POWER is combining the forces of government, philanthropy and labor organizations to bolster workers’ rights and advance democracy.

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This Collaborative Fund Is Channeling a "Sea Change" in How America Views Care

This Collaborative Fund Is Channeling a "Sea Change" in How America Views Care

Established last year to build and promote care infrastructure, the CARE Fund has signed on numerous big-name grantmakers. Executive Director Anna Wadia is confident about changes she’s seeing in public discourse.

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How Detroit Funders Teamed Up to Help Families Access the Child Tax Credit

How Detroit Funders Teamed Up to Help Families Access the Child Tax Credit

The expanded Child Tax Credit has substantially reduced child poverty, but many low-income families are not able to access the funds. Four philanthropies in Detroit created a unique campaign to help.

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As Washington Wrangles Over Spending, How Can Philanthropy Make the Case for Family Child Care?

As Washington Wrangles Over Spending, How Can Philanthropy Make the Case for Family Child Care?

The nonprofit All Our Kin has been working for 20 years to support family care educators. As the early care crisis grows, and Washington wrestles over alternatives, it’s an approach that deserves more philanthropic attention.

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Prompted by the Biden Administration, Funders Come Together to Curb Methane Emissions

Prompted by the Biden Administration, Funders Come Together to Curb Methane Emissions

Methane emissions are causing at least 25% of warming today, but haven’t received as much philanthropic attention as CO2. That may be changing, as over 20 funders came together at record speed to commit over $223 million.

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Backing Up Biden: Grantmakers Get Behind a New Federal Anti-Violence Collaborative

Backing Up Biden: Grantmakers Get Behind a New Federal Anti-Violence Collaborative

No fewer than 13 big-name funders have lined up behind a new federal collaborative to reduce violent crime. The aim is to boost community violence intervention efforts, a promising alternative to heavy-handed law enforcement.

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“Be Vigilant.” Immigration Funders Look Toward 2021 with Cautious Optimism

“Be Vigilant.” Immigration Funders Look Toward 2021 with Cautious Optimism

Immigrant advocates are gearing up for long-haul advocacy to hold the Biden administration to its promises and roll back Trump-era policies. For the funders backing them, the past four years have been as illuminating as they’ve been grim.

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