Four Ways Aging-Focused Funders Are Taking Multisector Collaboration National

Four Ways Aging-Focused Funders Are Taking Multisector Collaboration National

As the nation gets older, philanthropic funders are backing a growing array of efforts across sectors to make places and policy more age friendly. Here are several promising developments to note.

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Building Bridges: How One Aging-Focused Funder Learned from its Peers

Building Bridges: How One Aging-Focused Funder Learned from its Peers

In a twist on the site visit, spending time with another foundation’s grantee helped St. David’s Foundation in Texas build its own intergenerational portfolio. Here’s how the program took shape and what it’s backing.

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In an Age-Segregated Society, New Support for Cogenerational Leaders

In an Age-Segregated Society, New Support for Cogenerational Leaders

In an aging America where people of different ages often lack opportunities to interact, there’s lots of pent-up demand for cross-generational engagement. This philanthropic initiative seeks to deliver on that.

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Funder Spotlight: How the Samuels Foundation Supports the Performing Arts and Healthy Aging

Funder Spotlight: How the Samuels Foundation Supports the Performing Arts and Healthy Aging

The New York City-based Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation supports performing arts organizations and seeks to improve quality of life for older adults. We take a closer look at its history, grantmaking and more.

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Can an Aging Population Stay Healthy? Two Global Funders Hope to Unlock the Secrets of Resilience

Can an Aging Population Stay Healthy? Two Global Funders Hope to Unlock the Secrets of Resilience

Humans are living longer, but in our later years, we become more vulnerable to injury and age-related diseases. Wellcome Leap and the Singapore-based Temasek Trust are funding a new program to extend “healthspans.”

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How Philanthropy Is Pushing for an Age-Friendly New Jersey

How Philanthropy Is Pushing for an Age-Friendly New Jersey

The Garden State’s been lagging behind the Empire State on efforts to foster age-inclusive communities. As New Jersey’s population grows older, these funders are looking to change that.

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Older Americans Rarely Have Access to Arts Education. This Funder is Working to Change That

Older Americans Rarely Have Access to Arts Education. This Funder is Working to Change That

Philanthropist Ellen Michelson has been a tireless proponent of “creative aging,” an arts education program model geared toward individuals 55 and over. We check in with her about the field, her work with museums, and more.

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Can Philanthropy Help Create a Golden State for the Golden Years?

Can Philanthropy Help Create a Golden State for the Golden Years?

Dedicated California funders are helping to design the future of aging in America by boosting new ideas, nudging along state leaders, contributing to good policy, and more.

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As Americans Grow Older, These Funders are Advancing the Field of Cognitive Aging Research

As Americans Grow Older, These Funders are Advancing the Field of Cognitive Aging Research

Millions will experience the effects of cognitive decline without being diagnosed with a neurological disease. Two prominent funders of cognitive aging research share how they are working to overcome this challenge.

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With Philanthropy Leading the Way, States Are Planning for an Aging America

With Philanthropy Leading the Way, States Are Planning for an Aging America

States are fertile ground for public-private collaboration to address aging. With California in the lead, here’s how philanthropy’s backing state-based “master plans” to help older people live better.

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The Intergenerational Philanthropy of the Eisner Foundation

The Intergenerational Philanthropy of the Eisner Foundation

For the Eisners, philanthropy is a family tradition that goes back generations. Their foundation is also one of the few that focuses on intergenerational programming that benefits both youth and seniors.

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Three Funders Pool Efforts to Allow Older Americans to Age in Place

Three Funders Pool Efforts to Allow Older Americans to Age in Place

Many older people want to stay home as they age, but it’s not always easy. Three funders have collaborated to promote PACE, a longstanding but underused model of service that allows older adults to age in place.

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This Collaborative Wants to Change How We Talk About Getting Older

This Collaborative Wants to Change How We Talk About Getting Older

To fight ageism and improve policy, the Reframing Aging Initiative leans into the power of language and narrative to shape social outcomes. Here’s why a group of funders has gotten behind its work.

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Intergenerational Music-Making: How One Funder's Tackling Loneliness and Division

Intergenerational Music-Making: How One Funder's Tackling Loneliness and Division

For the Eisner Foundation, funding a community-based orchestra, open to all ages, has helped build ties between the generations, enriching an L.A. neighborhood. It’s a testament to the power of intergenerational programming.

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Keeping it in the Family: A Foundation Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Keeping it in the Family: A Foundation Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Millions of Americans are raising their grandchildren for a range of reasons, but they face unique challenges and receive little support. A new initiative by one regional foundation provides funding to help grandfamilies thrive.

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This Small Bay Area Funder Is at the Leading Edge of Philanthropy for Aging

This Small Bay Area Funder Is at the Leading Edge of Philanthropy for Aging

San Francisco’s Metta Fund works to improve health outcomes of older adults in underserved communities. The grantmaker is doing a lot of forward-thinking funding around racial equity, trust-based giving and reframing aging.

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New Funding for Old Age: Grantmakers in Aging Shares New Growth

New Funding for Old Age: Grantmakers in Aging Shares New Growth

Philanthropy for aging and older people has been historically neglected, but that seems to be changing. Lindsay Goldman of Grantmakers in Aging fills us in on why and how more donors are engaging with the topic.

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LGBTQ Funders Scramble to Protect Vulnerable Communities

LGBTQ Funders Scramble to Protect Vulnerable Communities

Even before the pandemic, LGBTQ people struggled with poverty, social isolation, and access to healthcare. Now, as this population faces a growing threat, LGBTQ-focused grantmakers are responding.

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Why These Health Funders Focus on Care, Rather than Cures, for People with Serious Illness

Why These Health Funders Focus on Care, Rather than Cures, for People with Serious Illness

Most health philanthropy consists of chasing breakthrough cures and treatments. But what many ill people want is improved quality of life—which is why two funders recently launched a campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of palliative care.

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Can This Plan Make South Florida the Country's Most Livable Spot for LGBTQ Seniors?

Can This Plan Make South Florida the Country's Most Livable Spot for LGBTQ Seniors?

As in other places, many LGBTQ seniors in South Florida are isolated, depressed, and in poor health. A new foundation-backed collaboration aims to make South Florida the best place in the country for elders who identify as LGBTQ.

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