With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

After a scare this summer, the old bet that a preoccupied Congress won’t take up philanthropy reform still seems to be paying off. But how long can that last? And what does the sector lose by forever forestalling sensible reform?

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It's Time for Philanthropy to Be as Bold as Leaders on the Front Lines of Social Change

It's Time for Philanthropy to Be as Bold as Leaders on the Front Lines of Social Change

More progressive organizations are using a “multi-entity” approach, such as working through both a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4). Guest author Deborah Barron discusses how funders can back them more boldly and effectively.

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